Crown Grade Selected Heart Pine
97-100% heartwood content. Density: Minimum of 8 annual growth rings per inch, 95% clear of knots. The inherent beauty and patina will shine through.
Crown Grade Selected Heart Pine
97-100% heartwood content. Density: Minimum of 8 annual growth rings per inch, 95% clear of knots. The inherent beauty and patina will shine through.
Prime Grade Historic Heart Pine
90-100% heartwood content. Variable grain patterns Solid knots permitted. No nail holes. Grain texture and colour varying. Some golden yellow sapwood and watermarks permitted.
Authentic Distressed Grade Heart Pine
Aged appeal with a natural patina. Variable heartwood content. Variable grain and colour patterns. Mixed grain density. Solid knots permitted. Age and weather cracks permitted.
Naily Grade Heart Pine
95-100% heartwood content. Variable grain and colour patterns. Mixed grain density. Solid knots permitted. Many nail holes in most boards. Age and weather cracks permitted. Mixed grain density.
Tide Water Heart Pine
Only the finest were selected from the virgin forests of America's deep south for use as hand-hewn pilings. Its underwater home has given it a distinctive light rustic grey to golden yellow colouring.
Antique Yellow Pine
This wood gives a new meaning to what many people regard as pine. The species is characterised by its subtle warm colouring and even-grain structure. Yellow Pine is noted for its versatility.
Antique Heart Pine
The high heartwood content displays a rich variation of grades combining the golden yellow of the sapwood with large solid red knots and the amber heartwood. Variable grain and colour patterns.
Red Pine
Red Pine is characterised by slow growth and a high resin or pitch content. A rich, cherry-coloured patina adds a certain uniqueness that increases in intensity as the floor ages.
Pine White Fir
This is a white wood with a tight grain that is very stable. Lightweight, soft, even-textured, and easily worked, Pine white fir is probably the least resinous of all pines.
Victorian Oak Wire Brushed
For centuries Red and White Oak beams were used to build barns, tobacco factories and other large buildings along the eastern seaboard of the United States and have been maturing there over time.
Whiskey Vat Red Oak
Salvaged from Scottish and American distilleries this wood is steeped in whisky and history. Its rich texture, aged by alcohol, will give your floor an antique appearance rich in distilling history.
Victorian Oak Machined
These oak boards, etched by many years of faithful service, are characterised by their nutty brown colour, some nail holes, cracks, watermarks, sawmarks and other features.
Underwater Heart Pine
Similar to Tide Water Heart Pine, Underwater Heart Pine features a unique grain. Slight nail staining in the wood adds rustic charm that blends perfectly with the reclaimed antique heart wood.
Douglas Fir Oregan Pine
The Douglas Fir or Oregon Pine is a softwood originating from the American West. It has a welcoming, veined appearance and its excellent stability and durability make it a wood that has multiple uses.
Wide Plank Heart Pine
Wide plank flooring adds an unmistakable feel of warmth, tradition and comfort to any home. Using wide plank flooring was the way a home was built in the past.